Terms and Policies

Use of information provided to Fiona Parkinson Art Limited

All information collected by Fiona Parkinon Art Limited is stored and handled in accordance with the Data Protection Acts (1984 and 1998). Personal and financial information collected on this site is used for the sole purpose of processing and delivering your order.

During checkout you will be asked to “opt in” to receive information from Fiona Parkinson Art Limited we will never provide your details to another organisation, unless it is required to full fill the order you have made. Financial and payment details such as credit/debit card numbers are removed from our database immediately following payment.

Please note: Posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or other inappropriate material on Fiona Parkinson Limited websites is prohibited.

Privacy Policy

Who are we?
Fiona Parkinson Art Limited is a registered company, created to make and sell works of art. This privacy policy applies to Fiona Parkinson Art Limited, operating online as https://fionaparkinson.com and https://fionascabinet.com

What is personal data?
Your name, contact information, banking details, social media posts and your IP Address are all examples of personal data.

When we collect it?
When you get in touch with us in person, on the phone, electronically, in writing or via our websites.  Our websites may also collect your IP-address and map your journey via Cookies. 

Why we need it?
Contract.  We collect only the data we need to fulfil our obligations to you, for example, processing your order and administering payment plans. 

Consent.  We will only send you marketing communications when you sign up to Fiona’s Mailing List.

How long do we keep it?
We’ll keep your data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it’s collected. For example, for three years to deal with any future queries relating to orders or services.  

We also comply with our obligations to retain data for legal and statutory purposes, for accountancy this is a minimum of 6 years.

If you’ve signed up to receive our marketing emails we’ll keep your data until you tell us not to.

How do we process it?
We use a third-party provider, Mailchimp to manage our email marketing.  Here’s a link to their privacy policy: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/

Did you know you have rights over your data
You can ask us for a copy of the data we hold and the reasons we hold it by emailing us at hello@fionaparkinson.com.  You can also tell us to amend or erase your data completely.

Other important stuff to let you know about …

Cookies.  Unfortunately, not the edible kind, but they do help us understand your browsing history and we use this information to create a higher quality and more relevant experience.

Google Analytics.  We use a third-party service, Google Analytics, to collect information about visitor’s behaviour patterns on our sites. This information is personally identifiable.

Embedded content.  Articles, images, links and videos on our sites sometimes link to other sites, where your data may be collected by third parties.

Social media.  Content you upload or comments you make on our social media platforms can be seen by anyone with access, we have no control over this or the consequences of anything you share online.  

Third Parties.  We won’t share, sell, rent or trade your information with any third parties.

Want to get in touch?
Fiona Parkinson Art Ltd
1A Croft Court
Croft Lane
Temple Grafton
B49 6PW 
Telephone         0333 772 7475
Email                  hello@fionaparkinson.com

 If you’d like more information about Privacy Policies or data collection in the UK, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office online:  https://ico.org.uk/


All material on this site is copyright © Fiona Parkinson Art Limited, except where specifically stated otherwise. Visitors may read, and view the material for their personal, non-commercial use only. Visitors may not copy, download, distribute, sell, publish, display, transmit, reproduce, or decompile any part of the material by any means (electronic or not) or for any purpose include it in any derivative works.

Trademarks and Intellectual Property

Trademarks, service marks and logos displayed on this site belong to Fiona Parkinson Art Limited. Nothing contained on this site should be construed as granting any licence to use any trademark, service mark of logo displayed on this site without the express written permission of Fiona Parkinson Art Limited.